On November 7, 2017, while leaving the Wal-Mart parking lot, I had an “episode” with my eyes, which I thought was an ocular migraine, since I had those before. It seemed at huge white cloud was all around me and I lost my bearings. I knew exactly where I was, where I needed to go, but seemed unable to find my way around the parking lot to the exit. IT took me several minutes to do, but was able to leave and go to where I needed to be. I crossed Hwy 41 towards my home. I had the very clear sensation that I was going the correct way, but things seemed strange. I did arrive safely, unloaded my packages and put them up. I continued to feel “weird” but was convinced it was an ocular migraine. IT was not until the next morning that I went to the optometrist where he checked my visual field and informed me that I had a stroke. A feather would have knocked me over. I had no other symptoms; no motor skill deficits, no speech issues, and I was aware of everything around me and what I was doing.
He insisted I have a brain scan, which I had at a local hospital. A neurology referral was suggested, so I chose to go to Vanderbilt. Further studies confirmed the stroke and visual field loss in the bottom left quadrant of each eye. Another referral was made to Pi Beta Phi for evaluation r/t my ability to drive safely. It was determined that I was not able to do so. I was given the option of two physicians who work in the field of vision loss. I chose Dr. Ho.
After nine months of treatment by Dr. Ho, I have recovered sufficiently to take a driving test, which I passed on September 14th. I cannot imagine what my life would be like without the treatment she gave me. There were times when my frustration level was out the roof, but she encouraged me to continue because things were getting better. It is amazing what the brain can accomplish! I had no idea how the exercises were helping, but each visit was better than the last. I spent many hours practicing the exercises. It was a daily vigil and not easy to maintain. My frustration level was high because of the loss of freedom. I am a goer and doer, not accustomed to depending on others to get me to the places I needed to go. To say it was a challenge is putting it mildly. I was frustrated and got discouraged at times, but I can say, without a doubt, that it was worth every minute of practice. It truly is amazing what the brain can accomplish.
I will be forever thankful to Dr. Ho and how she encouraged me and helped me to regain the skills I needed to drive. If you are having issues such as I had, seek her out. She is amazing!!