Low Vision and Neuro-rehabilitation Optometrist: Dr. Ho


You guys helped me to not skip lines. Thank you Dr. Ho for correcting my vision. Reading is not as challenging anymore. I don’t even use my glasses and still can see well. I am successful in school ranking at the top of my glass. I appreciate all you have done for me.


When we came to Dr. Ho, we were searching for answers. We were trying to figure out what was preventing our son from reading like his peers. He told us that something was wrong with him. In Pre-K, he was flagged at school for vision therapy but he was so young and we didn’t follow up. In second grade, his teacher said that she wanted him tested for dyslexia. We did testing and he didn’t test positive for any of the learning disabilities. Our school’s learning specialist reminded me about his eye exam from years before and recommended that we go to Dr. Ho. From the first visit with Dr. Ho, we knew we had found our answers. Dr. Ho is one of the best doctors we have ever experienced. She is thorough, encouraging, and meticulous. Today we graduated. We will be forever grateful to her and our learning specialist.


Good morning Dr. Ho!I would like to update you on I* after your referral to Dr K* and being tested for tick born illnesses. After a very tough journey over 4 1/2 years, we finally have the answers we think we have been looking for!I* tested positive for active infection of Berbesia and evidence of Lyme!!!… We also realized that she has dysautonomia , which is also seen in many Lyme patients and often causes visual issues. She is zinc and thiamine deficient, which may have contributed to the neuro issues. Her adrenal system is out of whack and has contributed to many of the symptoms as well. The list goes on and on…..We are beyond blessed and relieved to have answers and a treatment plan to get her life back to the old normal! We are so grateful to you for the amazing knowledge and care that you showed to us during this debilitating journey. You listened to I* and me, and you understood and accepted that her problems were real! You were our first glimpse of hope after hitting so many dead ends! Thank you for everything you have done for her!
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