Low Vision and Neuro-rehabilitation Optometrist: Dr. Ho


I think that working with Dr. Ho helped me with my reading and all my homework. It used to take longer when I did my homework, but now I finish my homework a lot sooner. I also feel that I get less headaches. Thank You!

Maury Regional Therapy Staff

Dr. Ho,Just wanted to let you know that we got a letter for a pediatric patient that we had referred to you. They let us know how wonderfully you had treated them and gave them an actual plan to help their daughter and of course told us to continue to refer to you. Thanks for all you do. We appreciate our working relationship!


Since seeing Dr. Ho, my daughter has gained a significant amount of self-confidence when reading and doing homework. She struggled for years academically and was put on several different medications for what we were told was ADHD. After 1 visit with Dr. Ho, we quickly realized she had been misdiagnosed all these years. She had been labeled throughout school as a “hyper child”, when all along it was convergence insufficiency; something we knew nothing about. I am so thankful to Dr. Ho for helping her. She can focus her eyes so much easier now, which makes learning much easier. We recommend any parent whose child has ADD or ADHD to take a convergence insufficiency test; you might be surprised at the result like I was!


Dr. Ho has changed my kids’ lives! My son had “invisible” issues that she quickly diagnosed. He is now a confident reader and far less frustrated with sport. We had no idea how my daughter’s vision issues were impacting her before as well – but she doesn’t get carsick anymore and her school frustration is gone. We love Dr. Ho!


Vision therapy sounds scary at first but really it’s not bad. Taking these lessons for the past couple months has been fun. At some points it can get frustrating but in the long run, it can help you a lot. I can now see much better with my right eye and my eyes both work together very well. I am not as tired as I usually was when my right eye had been poor. Taking vision therapy helped me a lot and is a very good choice to getting your eyes to work together and helping them get stronger.


Before Ross came to therapy, he was struggling in school. He was at a below average reading level. After therapy, his grades improved and he tested as an advanced reader!  Best decision we ever made!
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