This is an insightful piece from our receptionist Kathryn about glasses beyond just the optics and offering hope.
My observations are mainly through contact with our patients, not from a clinical perspective. My observations tell me that vision can be a “moving target”. You need a good diagnostician to determine what may benefit and help improve your vision; a tweak here, a tweak there. Considerations of lifestyle, medications and health habits will play a role in composing an exam evaluation. I am always surprised when a very subtle change in prescription or tint or the very simple vision therapies that are suggested will restore people to a visual independence they didn’t think they would ever attain. I’m not saying they recover perfect vision and/or acuity but they can reach a level of vision that helps them maintain independence, helps them keep a job, allows them to continue in sports, perform on stage, drive a car, and enjoy simple pleasures like reading, hand-crafts and computer work.
When the lights go out from a power outage, we have all said we didn’t realize how much we depended on electricity for so many things. The same with vision, until you have a problem arise, you don’t realize how limited you become without good vision.
We have many patients that have a sense that something more can be done for their vision and they begin to search and many find our office through a google search. We enjoy seeing the patients that come in with an attitude of expectancy. Dr Ho does a great job of painting the realistic picture of where their vision can be and how to get there. We see patients leave the office with joyful tears because their hope has been restored. Listen to our more recent video testimonials about patient’s journey to healing.