Low Vision and Neuro-rehabilitation Optometrist: Dr. Ho


I was referred to Dr. Ho in March of 2021 by a vertigo physical therapist. I had open heart surgery March 1, 2019 because of an infection in my mitral valve. I was on strong antibiotics for 6 months that they believed damaged the hairs of my inner ears and affected my balance. Dr. Ho put prisms in new glasses and gave me exercises to help. Several months later she started me on light therapy. My one year review was 100% better responding to the tests she did. I feel better, more grounded even though balance issues are not completely gone. I’m grateful to Dr. Ho and her staff for all they’ve done for me and recommend them to everyone.


Thank you for all the tools you have given me to deal with the struggles that stem from peripheral misfeed. Thank you for getting to the root cause. Your treatment continues to be a lifeline and gives me hope! I look forward to seeing you again soon!


I was in my car following my husband on the interstate when I saw two images of his car side by side in two separate lanes in front of me. They looked identical and I could not tell which one was real. I quickly thought to close one eye and immediately there was only one car. It was obvious that I could no longer drive until this problem was corrected. In my office visits with Dr. Ho I appreciated her expanded education that included the relationship between the brain and the functioning of the eyes. Additional tests ruled out some possible causes, including the electrical nerve impulses from the eye center in the brain to the optic nerve in the eye. I loved that she showed my husband how my left eye which should move in the same pattern as my right eye, did not. When she told me it was probably a condition from birth, I thought there may not be a way to correct it, but there is! A prism was put in my glasses and the result was incredibly amazing. I see only one of everything! I continue specific exercises to help my eyes focus together. A procedure to clean my eyelids close to the tear ducts cleared up some cloudy vision too. All in all, a wonderful experience.


This place is great and has really helped me accomplish a lot. Since I started working with Dr. Ho, it has put me in a different place. The therapy has improved my vision so much that I do not need to wear glasses anymore. IT’s amazing how far I’ve come. The people here are really awesome and I will miss seeing them. Thank you!


Dr. Ho has been amazing to work with, and the rest of her team of course!! After dealing with visual snow as a result of concussion for years, she has finally given me the key to relief. Through my tinted glasses I am able to cope with it. I had been told there was no treatment for visual snow for a long time before I saw Dr. Ho. I have also taken part in visual rehabilitation and through this process I can tell that my eyes do not get so tired as easily. It’s great! I strongly recommend vision rehabilitation! Thank you so much Ho Vision Group for all your hard work and willingness to help!


Dr. Ho has a rare combination of expertise and a very good sense of humor. She is a delight to work with and has much compassion for her patients. Her treatments were very beneficial and enabled me to utilize my peripheral vision. I can see much better now. She is very reassuring that my vision can be improved. Her office operates very efficiently. She is on time – there is no waiting. Her assistant Linda is knowledgeable and friendly and quite helpful.
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